And she did wait. Only the Controller had this number. She had vague, ghostly memories of other people in her life, but they didn’t seem important. They couldn’t make her feel like this. They must not have been important, if she had gone seeking the Controller in the first place. Back when she only wanted to be a little bit of a slave, a play slave, a pretend slave. She hated the woman she had been for only wanting to pretend. Her Controller’s voice said, ‘Good Samaritan,’ and the call ended. But she knew what she had to do. It was a trigger, and she came both at the understanding that she had triggers she didn’t remember and the realization that she was going to obey, that she could not help but obey. She stopped, turned towards the nearest building, and walked towards it. She came up to the door marked ‘Entrance’. She knew that it wasn’t supposed to mean, ‘bring someone into a trance’, but her Controller had made her see it that way. Every building she entered deepened her trance. Marshall looked admiringly down at her naked breasts."Don't think I've ever seen a pair as fine as these," he murmured.Laura, who had mauled Kendra's fantastic hard, round, naked breasts on numerous occasions with her hands and mouth, knew he was lying. Besides, Marshall had been fucking countless women with his huge, tireless cock for years, she suspected. And Laura knew from her own sexual experience that many of them had certainly had exquisite breasts."I think you're lying, but I accept the compliment," she smiled slyly at him, holding both small globes in her palms, offering them to him. "What do you want to do with them?"Marshall replaced her hands with his own, cupping one perfect upswept breast in each hand, running his thumbs gently across her thick, swollen coral nipples. Without answering her, he then firmly pulled her down with him onto her bed. He began to kiss and suck her nipples at the same time that he pulled her panties down her thighs.He did not suck her nipples as.
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